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Biblioteca Istituto Superiore Umberto I - Ragusa

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Biblioteca Istituto Superiore Umberto I - Ragusa

Catalogo online

Via E. Orlando, 7 - 97100 - Ragusa (RG)
Tel: 0932 623200 Fax: 0932 653531
E-mail: damanticarlo@sba.rg.it


Prof. Carlo D'Amanti


Istituto Superiore "Umberto I"
Via E. Orlando, 7 97100 Ragusa RG
Responsabile Biblioteca: Carlo D'Amanti
Tel: 0932 623200 - Fax: 0932 653531
E-mail: damanticarlo@sba.rg.it

Biblioteca Istituto Superiore Umberto I - Ragusa - Last update: 22-11-2024 00:30:29 - Records in OPAC:  1191
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